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Statutory Planning

What is planning?

Planning decisions protect our region and the safety of our community by looking after the long-term needs of those who live, work and visit South Gippsland.

Planning decisions are informed by the Planning Scheme which is a legal document prepared by Council and approved by the Minister for Planning. It consists of zones and overlays and determines whether a permit is required. It also contains policies and provisions that control land use and development and guides the decisions of Council and other authorities. It is important to familiarise yourself with the planning policies within the Planning Scheme prior to submitting a permit application or purchasing a property.

Do I need a permit?

Generally, a planning permit is required for:

You should not assume that any works, however small, do not require a permit.
To check which zones and overlays affect your property, visit VicPlan.

Prior to contacting the Planning Department, please look up your property on VicPlan to determine which planning controls apply to you.


Planning controls are the zones, overlays or other provisions included in the planning scheme that affect how a lot can be used and developed.

About Zones
Every property has only one zone.  Common zones include:

  • residential zones (such as the General Residential Zone, Township Zone)
  • industrial zones
  • commercial zones
  • rural zones (such as the Farming Zone, Rural Living Zone and Rural Conservation Zone)
  • public land zones (such as the Public Use Zone, Public Park and Recreation Zone, Public Conservation and Resource Zone, and Transport Zone)

Zoning aims to avoid conflicts between different types of land uses and ensures that development is appropriate for an area. For more information go to:


About Overlays
Overlays operate in addition to zones.  An overlay may seek to achieve certain design and building standards for lot, including:

  • bushfire
  • environmental
  • land management
  • heritage
  • flood issues

Not all lots are subject to an overlay. If an overlay applies to a lot, it may specify additional requirements in relation to subdivisions, buildings and works, vegetation removal and other matters.

Search for Property Information
You can search for the Planning information of a property, parcel or crown land to understand what zones and overlays apply at VicPlan – Planning Schemes and Amendments.

Contact the Planning team

If you require any clarification of the planning controls, please contact the Planning team.

Telephone: 03 5662 9200
