Latest News

Shaping South Gippsland
South Gippsland Shire Council is seeking your feedback to help shape the future of South Gippsland.

Congratulations Councillor Hersey!
Councillor Nathan Hersey has been elected as the Chair of One Gippsland.

Submission to VicGrid
South Gippsland Shire Council has developed a submission to VicGrid's draft Victorian Transmission Plan Guidelines.
Have Your Say South Gippsland
Take a look at Your Say South Gippsland to share your views on current projects and services. Help shape South Gippsland.

Barry Beach and Port Anthony Advocacy
South Gippsland Shire Council continues to advocate for the development and utilisation of the two ports at Barry Beach.

Venus Bay Skate Park Now Open
The new Venus Bay Skate Park and half basketball court is now open to the public, just in time for Easter and the school holidays.

Ministerial Visit to South Gippsland
We were pleased to host a visit from Federal and State Ministers this week.

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