Leongatha Memorial Hall Project

Share your thoughts on the precinct.
The Leongatha Memorial Hall project will consider the feasibility of updating the Heritage-listed Hall to improve access and functionality and consider the potential for a broad range of community uses. The adjoining public toilets and adjacent streetscape will also be included as part of the project.
Council is seeking input from community members who currently use the hall and adjoining precinct, and those who would like to use the space in the future. There are three ways you can have your say.
Join us on Thursday 10th of April at either 2pm or 7pm for an activity-based, interactive workshop in the Leongatha Memorial Hall.
Submit your feedback by visiting the link below before the survey closes on Sunday 13 April 2025.
Project Reference group
The voluntary group comprising members with local knowledge and individual skills will meet a few times a year beginning in May 2025 to give advice and recommendations to Council and support the development of a Feasibility Study, Business Case and Functional Design for the Precinct. Eight to 10 South Gippsland residents will be appointed as part of the Expression of Interest process.
To complete the survey or express your interest for the Project Reference group, visit https://yoursay.southgippsland.vic.gov.au