Barry Beach and Port Anthony Advocacy

South Gippsland Shire Council continues to advocate for the development and utilisation of the two ports at Barry Beach.
The Barry Beach Marine Terminal and Port Anthony have been operating for over 50 years, supporting oil and gas industries in Bass Strait. They are the only industrial ports that are within 10 hours sailing time from the Gippsland Offshore Renewable Energy zone. There is also a large parcel of land surrounding the ports which has already been reclassified by Council as industrial 1 zoned land. The use of ports closer to the declared Offshore Energy Renewable Zone also helps to minimise freight costs and maximise efficiencies. Expanded use of the ports would help our region to develop career pathways, attract new industries and also give Gippsland agricultural industries an opportunity to access new markets and a stable local workforce.
Our support for any significant expansion is dependent, of course, on the completion of a rigorous Environment Impact Study showing any impacts to our natural surrounds could be effectively managed and appropriate community engagement.
Council's position can be viewed at the video below: