Services: |
The Commonwealth Ombudsman: |
* Investigates complaints about the administrative actions of Australian Government departments and agencies. The Ombudsman has special responsibilities for complaints relating to the Australian Defence Force, Australian Federal Police, Immigration, Taxation, the Postal Industry, Private Education Providers with Overseas Students, and Norfolk Island. |
* Conducts its business independently and impartially. It has wide powers to investigate the actions and decisions of government agencies to see if they are wrong, unjust, unlawful or discriminatory. |
* Performs audits and inspections, encourages good administration, and carries out specialist oversight tasks. |
The Ombudsman cannot investigate complaints about the actions of government ministers or politicians; private individuals; state or local governments; private businesses (unless contracted to perform work for the Australian Government); decisions of courts; and public service employment disputes (except in the Australian Defence Force). |
Area Served: |
Hours: |
Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm |
Cost: |
No charge |
Eligibility: |
Anyone with a complaint about an Australian Government department or agency can lodge a complaint. |
Someone else can make a complaint for you, but unless the person is your legal representative or legal guardian, they will need you to provide your consent. |
Procedures: |
If you think you have been unfairly treated by an Australian Government department or agency, you can complain to the Ombudsman's office. It is usually expected that you will first try to resolve your complaint using the department or agency's complaints and review processes. If you are unable to resolve your complaint with the agency concerned you can lodge a complaint with the Commonwealth Ombudsman's office using the online complaint form, by telephone, email, or in person. |
Referral: |
Referrals are not required |
Appointment: |
By appointment only |
Disabled Access: |
Yes |
Transport: |
Tram in St Kilda Road, stop 23 (Slater Street) |
Languages: |
Use Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 1450 |
The Ombudsman will pay for the interpreter |
Publications: |
The 'Making a complaint to the Commonwealth Ombudsman' brochure is available in a variety of languages (see website) |