What do I need to submit? |
Planning Completed Planning Application Form and checklist Relevant fees (refer to the Planning Fee Schedule)
- A current copy of title for the land, no more than 60 days old
- Three (3) copies of a site context report, using a site plan (1:100 or 1:200 in A4 or A3 size), photographs or other methods to accurately describe:
- the location of the proposed sign on the site or building and distance from property boundaries. - the location and size of existing signage on the site including details of any signs to be retained or removed. - the location and form of existing signage on abutting properties and in the locality. - the location of closest traffic control signs. - identification of any view lines or vistas that could be affected by the proposed sign.
- The dimensions, height above ground level and extent of projection of the proposed sign.
- The height, width, depth of the total sign structure including method of support and any associated structures such as safety devices and service platforms.
- Details of associated on-site works.
- Details of any form of illumination including details of baffles and the times at which the sign would be illuminated.
- The colouring, lettering style and materials of the proposed sign.
- The size of the display (total advertising area including all sides of a multi-sided sign).
- The location of any corporate logo box and proportion of display areas occupied by such a logo box.
- For animated or electronic signs, a report addressing the decision guidelines at Clause 52.05-3 relating to road safety.
- Any landscaping details.
For any sign over 18 metres in area:
- A description of the existing character of the area including built form and landscapes. A description of the existing character of the area including built form and landscapes.
- The location of any other signs over 18 square metres, or scrolling. Electronic or animated signs within 200 metres of the site.
- Any existing identifiable advertising theme in the area.
- Photo montages or a streetscape perspective of the proposed sign.
- Level of illumination including:
- lux levels for any sign on or within 60 metres of a Road Zone, Residential Zone, Public Use Zone or Business 5 Zone. - the dwell and change time for any non-static images.
- The relationship to any significant or prominent views and vistas.
Building Contact a private Building Surveyor to obtain a building permit.