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Website statistics: June 2023

Daily report

Day Pages viewed
01st Jun 2023 11479
02nd Jun 2023 10226
03rd Jun 2023 7020
04th Jun 2023 8492
05th Jun 2023 10631
06th Jun 2023 10846
Total 58694

Top 10 pages

Page location Times viewed
/site/index.php 7342
/site/images/icon_youtube.svg 3596
/site/fonts/icomoon.woff?fjbmji 3250
/site/images/icon_facebook.svg 3058
/ 2893
/site/images/search.svg 1721
/intranet/ 1562
/rss/news 1252
/site/images/employment.svg 851
/site/images/contact.svg 849