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Website statistics: June 2022

Daily report

Day Pages viewed
01st Jun 2022 12116
02nd Jun 2022 12109
03rd Jun 2022 11091
04th Jun 2022 9838
05th Jun 2022 8434
06th Jun 2022 12659
07th Jun 2022 12882
08th Jun 2022 11606
Total 90735

Top 10 pages

Page location Times viewed
/site/index.php 9779
/server-status?auto 9710
/ 5805
/site/fonts/icomoon.woff?fjbmji 3636
/site/images/icon_youtube.svg 3540
/site/images/icon_facebook.svg 3510
/intranet/ 2391
/site/images/search.svg 1714
/site/images/contact.svg 1134
/site/images/employment.svg 1134