Wandering Livestock
Wandering livestock can create a serious public safety risk, especially as we come into winter and available feed in paddocks is reduced and the ground is softer from the wetter conditions. Stock lean against fences whilst trying to access feed on adjacent road reserves and paddocks and this can cause fences to fail and animals to escape.
People have been seriously injured or killed from collisions with livestock on roads. Wandering livestock may also injure themselves, other animals they encounter and cause damage to property.
Council's Community Safety team can assist residents in circumstances where wandering livestock are causing them issues.
The Impounding of Livestock Act 1994 makes it an offence for a person to allow livestock to wander at large, or to fail to adequately confine livestock to a property. In some cases officers can serve ‘confinement’ notices to ensure the stock owner keeps the stock securely in the property, these can be served in conjunction with infringement notices.
‘On the spot’ fines can also be issued if you allow your stock to wander. You may also be required to pay transport and release fees if your stock have been impounded.
Can I keep livestock in town?
All livestock in township zones must have a permit pursuant to Clause 46 of South Gippsland Shire Council’s General Local Law.
Please complete an application to keep stock in township zones and send to Council.
Can my livestock graze on Council roadsides?
Grazing of livestock on roadsides within the Municipal district must have a permit, pursuant to Clause 51 of South Gippsland Shire Council’s General Local Law.
Please complete an application permit for stock grazing on roadsides send to Council.