Barking Dogs
Report a barking dog
Council understands that barking dogs may become a nuisance for some of our residents and in accordance with the Domestic Animals Act 1994, has developed a process to deal with these matters.
What can I do?
If you wish to report a nuisance dog, please contact Council’s Customer Service Team on 5662 9200 where you will be asked to provide some basic information such as your name and contact number, the property where the dog is located, the type/breed of the dog and any other information you have regarding the nuisance.
After lodging your request you will be provided with a Customer Request Number to assist in any follow-up enquiries regarding your request. At this stage of the investigation, your details will remain confidential.
Once your request has been received it will be reviewed by one of our Community Safety Officers who will then contact the owner of the dog to discuss the barking.
Please allow up to two weeks for any new training techniques to be introduced to the dog/s. You will receive a letter from the Officer to confirm the process and that the dog owner has been contacted.
What happens next?
If the barking continues after the initial two week period, please let us know. As the complainant, you and/or your neighbours may be required to complete a barking dog diary, but this will be determined on a case by case basis.
Who else can I speak to?
For further information regarding dispute resolution, you can contact the Dispute Settlement Centre on 1300 372 888 or visit