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Election/Caretaker Period

The information on this website was posted prior to the Council election period, 17 September – 26 October 2024. No updates will be made during this period unless it is a statutory requirement.

Start or grow your own business

Home-based Business

If you are going to operate a home based business, you will need to comply with guidelines set by the State Government. In some situations, you may need a council planning permit.

A home based business must:

  • Be your place of residence
  • Have no more than two people working in the business who do not live in the home
  • Operate within area restrictions
  • Not use more power, water and/or gas than normally needed for domestic use
  • Not negatively impact the neighbourhood
  • Not modify or service motor vehicles
  • Have only one commercial vehicle
  • Only sell goods manufactured or serviced in the home based business
  • Store materials used or goods manufactured, serviced or in the home based business within a building
  • Not display goods manufactured, serviced or repaired on location
  • Not have goods sold online collected from the home

You will need a planning permit from Council if you operate a home based business and you:

  • Intend to have three people who do not live in your home working in the business at the same time
  • Intend to employ more than two people at the same time, who do not live in the dwelling (note: this cannot be increase beyond three as set by State Government)
  • Intend to use more than either 100 square meters or a third of your dwelling (note: cannot approve more than 200 square meters or third of the dwelling as set by State Government)
  • Intend to use more than one commercial vehicle (note: maximum of two altogether as set by State Government)
  • Have more than one commercial vehicle

Establishing a home-based business

Information on the limitations and advantages of a home-based business.

Business Victoria